Kamis, 02 Juni 2016

Introducing Eagle Force

Hello ! We are Eagle Force, a new Heavy Metal band from Indonesia. "Introducing My self. My name is Yohanes Septianto a.k.a The Ripper as Guitarist and Vocalist". "Introducing my self. My name is Rafael Yuvens T.Sp a.k.a Harry Anderson as Drummer and backing vocal". "Introducing my self. My name is Chatarina Rosa Esti W a.k.a River Gates as Rhythm guitarist and backing vocal". "And Introducing my self. My name is Aurelius Tegar Pamungkas a.k.a Farry Edward as Bassist". Eagle Force formed on June 14th, 2015 with temporary personels is The Ripper (Yohanes Septianto), River Gates (Chatarina Rosa Esti W) and Harry Anderson (Rafael Yuvens T. Sp). "The purpose of formed this band because I, River Gates and Harry Anderson got the idea from our favorite band Avenged Sevenfold" Said The Ripper.

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